Westcliffe, Colorado where I'll be for two months!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

More updates

So guys, I am really excited! I just got done with my last exam EVER! I am graduating in 4 days! May 10th, here I come! I can't wait! It's been really busy lately. I've gotten a lot of my stuff together, but now I need to figure out how to fit stuff in one suitcase. I also have to go get some clothes from Good Will so that I'll have running-around-and-getting-messy clothes! We'll be hiking and horsbackriding, playing disc golf, and lots of other stuff! I'm also looking forward to the Bible studies as well though and getting to minister to these high school kids! So just a financial support update: I now have $2600 out of $3400! The Lord is really providing through all of you and fast! I have 22 more days! Can you believe it? I am so excited, I can't stop saying it! This is going to be great!

1 comment:

Mary Nell said...

Wow - your last exam ever!!!!!!!! I can just imagine how FREE you must be feeling! Congratulations, Amanda - and I pray graduation will be icing on the cake as wrap up your college education. You are an inspiration to me - and I can just imagine the impact you will have on the students you'll be working with this summer! I wish Suzy could have spent more time with you - she was glad to see you at Homecoming! I'll look forward to your updates - and let me know if you have special prayer requests along the way. It'll be an honor to pray for you!

Westcliffe, Colorado

Westcliffe, Colorado
Where we'll go horseback riding!

Where we'll be camping out on weekends! Gorgeous!

More of the meadow where we'll be camping...man I could just sit there for hours reading a good book and taking in God's creation!